Monday, August 15, 2011

3rd UDS Build - Minnesota Vikings

I've received a lot of interest from coworkers about the Ugly Drum Smokers I've been building after work. A particular Viking-fanatic took interest in the NFL themed smokers I've built. They're a far cry from professional but I'm only getting better and I seem to learn a valuable lesson during each build. For this build I stuck to the basic build design that I've used in the past: 2 smoking racks, 4 intakes total (1 ball valve w/extension).

Well, apparently, he liked the idea so much that it was all his wife heard about after work. Sure enough, I received a call from her about building a Viking themed UDS for his upcoming birthday. I accepted and here's the outcome:

The Vikings logo (viking head w/four different colors) would have been very difficult to create considering my lack of professional stenciling, printing equipment and paint shop. This script was taken from their endzone font and was fairly simple to create. There are a few areas of overspray, still less than my previous jobs. In fact, some of the overspray I actually like; gives it faded effect.

I'm currently working on better methods for logo and script placement. Got a few ideas. The recipient of this UDS, an avid fisherman, was very surprised and ecstatic to now have a smoker capable of smoking for the long haul. Thank you for Smoking!


  1. I love your smoker and I am currently building my own. Have a couple of questions for you.

  2. Madannaubi Tyler Totten Crack
